Right now, 70 Australian children with hearing or vision loss need your help

Your gift today can provide life-changing specialist support.

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could give classrooms the specialised equipment and adaptive technology needed to help accelerate the progress of children with hearing or vision loss.
can help to fund further training to keep teachers at the forefront of accelerated learning techniques to support students with developmental delays.
can help us keep an ideal ratio of staff to students in each classroom, maximising one-to-one, personalised learning opportunities for every child and their unique needs.
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This is Callum.

He is just one of the 70 Australian children with profound hearing or vision loss who desperately need the intensive support provided by NextSense School. Without that specialised help, these young children can struggle with social skills and communication. They can find it hard to keep up and can often fall behind in their development.

It can impact their whole lives.

To make sure children like Callum can access this life-changing support, we need your help to overcome a significant funding gap in our budget of $900,000. Your gift today can help fund specialised support that our school provides to so many families in need. Will you help us meet that considerable funding gap by making a donation?

Your donation makes a difference. From every $1.00 donated 76c goes directly toward student and client services at NextSense.